Dunlopillo Talasilver Latex
Over the past few years, the world saw a spike in nanotechnology throughout different fields, including healthcare.
Out of all the material used, silver seems to have a lot of potentials. It’s due to its ability to eradicate bacteria and fungi. In fact, doctors used silver for hundreds of years to treat various ailments.
In general, the size of the nanosilver particles ranges around 25nm. The particles also have a large surface area, which increases the chances of contact with bacteria and fungi.
Today, nanosilver is used to make healthcare products, such as dressings, skin grafts, and female hygiene products.
Dunlopillo Talasilver latex mattresses use nanoparticles to destroy bacteria and fungi. As a result, you can make sure that you and your family are sleeping in a microbe-free environment.
In this article, we will briefly discuss the benefits of Dunlopillo Talasilver Latex.
Dunlopillo Talasilver Latex
While most people do not actively think about it, your mattress is a hub for bacteria and fungi. These microbes could overgrow and cause harmful adverse effects on the body.
According to studies, common bacteria found on mattresses are the gram-positive actinomyces family.
Human infection with actinomyces is relatively rare. However, it is still possible to contract the bacteria, which infect the skin then spreads to other tissues.
Additionally, other types of bacteria also grow on mattresses. The diversity of bacteria depends on the age of the mattress.
Unfortunately, mattresses that use latex can only stop the growth of bacteria. This is known as bacteriostatic property. In other words, we cannot be sure if the germs got eradicated.
On top of all this, the topic of mattresses and the materials used really confuses people. For instance, figuring out the difference between Talalay latex and Dunlop latex can be challenging.
In summary, Dunlop is a bit denser than Talalay, whereas Talalay is more suited to side sleepers.
To compensate for these shortcomings, Dunlopillo Talasilver Latex uses nano silver technology.
Researchers stated that: “the capacity of nanosilver (Ag nanoparticles) to destroy infectious micro-organisms makes it one of the most powerful antimicrobial agents”.
They also noted the possibility of using this technology against superbugs.
In order words, nanosilver particles can eradicate even the most resistant microbes out there. This is very valuable since healthcare providers often suffer from bacteria that do not respond to antibiotics.
Now just imagine using this powerful technology to clear out all germs from your bed! It will undoubtedly provide a healthy sleep environment for every member of your family.
To make the smart move like many of our readers have, click on this link and get your own product.
Dunlopillo Talasilver Latex is a fantastic product. It optimizes sleep quality and prevents bacterial and fungal overgrowth.
The most notable difference between Talasilver and regular latex is:
The first product kills germs while the second prevents their growth.
Hopefully, you are now familiar with nanosilver technology’s importance and how it can improve your family’s sleep.